Be a part of the renowned Melbourne International Design Festival, 17-27 July – now in its fourth year!
Melbourne Design Market - Sunday, 20 July 2008 Stallholder Applications Now Open
The Melbourne Design Market is back again. As one of the most highly-anticipated events on the Melbourne International Design Festival program, the Market is a fun-filled, family-friendly, design-drenched day.
Importantly, the Melbourne Design Market has helped position and profile a range of design businesses, supporting their marketing and sales strategies in a highly effective and accessible environment.
It is a trade event like no other, and consistently attracts large crowds every time it is held.
A stringent selection process applies to all stallholder applications, ensuring that the highest quality, commercial products are admitted. It is this high standard which distinguishes the Melbourne Design Market from all other events.
The exposure was incredibly valuable to me as an emerging designer. Everything went really smoothly on the day. The only negative experience I had was being exhausted from talking to so many people!
– Piers Morgan, previous Melbourne Design Market stallholder
Stallholder applications are now open. To access the online application form, click here.
Applications close: 5pm, Wednesday, 4 June 2008.
For more information on the Melbourne Design Market click here.
Studio Open Day - Friday, 25 July 2008
Register your interest now!
Studio Open is one of the Melbourne International Design Festival's most popular annual events, opening the doors of local design studios to reveal their day-to-day processes and activities.
Aimed to encourage understanding and appreciation of the design profession, how it works and the value that it offers, this year’s Studio Open Day will take place on Friday, 25 July 2008.
Studios that have taken part in previous Festivals attest to the importance and enjoyment of meeting with people interested in engaging with the design profession.
Melbourne and regional design studios of all disciplines and sizes are invited to participate by opening their doors, explaining what they do, showing their projects and inviting questions from an interested audience.
Studios wishing to participate can register their interest by emailing their business name, contact phone number, street address and web address to Kate Hannaford at kh@nationaldesigncentre.com, or phone 03 9654 6335.
Applications close: 5pm, Wednesday, 30 April 2008.
Before registering please read the Studio Open Day Guidelines, or download them at nationaldesigncentre.com.
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